Benefits of Taichi & qigong

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu classes are designed and supervised by Professor Sun Han Xiang (Lily), Professor of Wushu and Taichi at Wuhan University in China, Bachelor of Chinese Martial Arts, ranked 8th Duan by the International Wushu Federation, and accredited international SanShou judge. Based on Professor Sun’s extensive teaching experience, her internationally recognised skills as a martial artist, and using well researched and standardised tai chi and qigong routines, our curriculum provides the perfect anti-aging mind-body exercise program.

Our classes are a wonderful way to get to know and improve all aspects of your body and mind. They are also very relaxing. Our class incorporates both tai chi and qigong, including body foundation training such as balance, strength, flexibility and body coordination etc.
Read more about our classes here or email info to join a class.

students feedback

Professor Lily asked Wulong students to share with each other how tai chi and qigong have impacted their lives, so as to encourage each others’ spirit and confidence.

Students’ responses overwhelmingly confirmed that Wulong tai chi and qigong have positively influenced their physical and mental health. Since joining Wulong they reported improvements in strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, body-mind connection, mental endurance, and calmness. They also reported experiencing reduced stress, anxiety, and stiffness.

Some students with health challenges, such as arthritis, reported that Wulong tai chi and qigong had helped them with their mobility and confidence. Overall, students found tai chi and qigong beneficial to their health and well-being, and some experienced a profound difference to their daily lives.

Professor Lily is very thankful for students taking the time to provide such positive feedback.

Click below to read a sample of feedback - more to follow!


Western society is increasing it’s understanding of the long-established health virtues of tai chi and qigong. Health organisations, governments and researchers worldwide are promoting and publishing scientific studies and robust research that gives a clearer understanding of the benefits of tai chi and qigong.

Below is a sample of research and promotion of the benefits of tai chi and qigong.