
International Research Confirms Benefits of Taichi & Qigong

An extensive volume of international research is compiling that establishes taichi and qigong as powerful and accessible pathways to physical and mental health, and wellbeing for everyone.

Wulong has set aside a dedicated page - BENEFITS - in our website to highlight curated research papers for our students and community.

Recently researchers created an evidence map of traditional Chinese exercises including 2,017 studies, comprising 1,822 randomised controlled trials and 195 systematic reviews conducted globally in various countries.

Among the traditional Chinese exercises, Tai Chi and Baduanjin have received the most research attention, with a growing number of publications. When traditional Chinese exercises were compared with the control groups, 88.2% of the included systematic reviews reported significantly positive effects.

These findings suggested that traditional Chinese exercises could benefit patients with a range of health conditions including

  • osteoarthritis

  • osteoporosis

  • hypertension

  • coronary heart disease

  • diabetes

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • stroke

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • anxiety, and

  • depression.

Wulong students’ have overwhelmingly confirmed that Wulong tai chi and qigong training has positively influenced their physical and mental health. Since joining Wulong they reported improvements in strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, body-mind connection, mental endurance, and calmness. They also reported experiencing reduced stress, anxiety, and stiffness.

Some students with health challenges, such as arthritis, reported that Wulong tai chi and qigong had helped them with their mobility and confidence. Overall, students found tai chi and qigong beneficial to their health and well-being, and some experienced a profound difference to their daily lives.

Read more on our page - BENEFITS

Come join a Wulong class to benefit from taichi and qigong.

Check out our classes at https://www.wulongtaichi.com.au/tai-chi-classes

Encore Session - Taichi Push Hands Techniques & Yang 9 Duel Workshop X May 2025

Professor Lily Sun demonstrates push hands with Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu strudent

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu is pleased to announce our first workshop for 2025.

Encore - Taichi Push Hand Techniques and Yang 9 Duel Workshop

Due to popular demand Profesor Lily will again present Wulong’s biggest workshop teaching the martial arts techniques of Tai Chi Push Hands or tui zhou, and the corresponding Yang 9 Duel Routine.

Push hands is a two-person training routine practiced to enhance students understanding of martial applications, of attack and defence. The duel routine allows students "hands-on" experience of theoretical implications of the Yang 9 solo routine. With push hands, reflex and sensitivity to another's movements and intent are developed enhancing yin and yang and realising health, meditative, and self-defence benefits.

It is the perfect opportunity for individuals to gain a greater understanding and experinence of push hands in practice.

“Push hands is very important for tai chi students to increase their understanding of the martial applications of tai chi.” says Professor Lily,

"Push hands practice will improve your tai chi foundation and practice through increasing reflex, reaction, coordination, strength, and balance. Energy flows throughout the whole body, with benefits for cardiovascular health and circulation.”

Join Professor Lily Sun on X May to learn:

  • Clear and easy to follow instruction from Australia’s most accomplished taichi teacher – a rare and not to be missed opportunity

  • Foundation skills and techniques for push hands and the Yang 9 Duel routine

  • Expanded theory and martial applications for Yang 9 Duan Wei Level 1

  • Understanding of defensive and offensive application principles

  • Develop balance, quicker reflexes, sensitivity to the intention and movements of another, and the capacity to create a state of relaxed alertness.

This encore workshop is an opportunity for new students to learn these important techniques and for 2024 students to consolidate their push hands experience. It is suitable for all ages and skill levels from beginner to advanced.

Places are limited and registration is essential. Please register via our event page for a unique opportunity to learn this versatile and beneficial taichi application while enjoying Professor Lily’s warm, generous and exceptional teaching skills.

Celebrating World Wushu Kung Fu Day 2024

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu wushu and tai chi classes celebrate World Wushu Kun Fu Day at Ascot Vale , Melbourne, Australia

Today Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu classes celebrated World Wushu Kung Fu Day 2024 with other enthusiasts around the globe. Professor Lily especially likes the 2024 theme “Wushu: Health and Happiness”. She says

“harmonising mind and body, maintaining physical and mental health, and feeling happy through learning, achieving and making friends make wushu a one-stop shop to a multitude of benefits.”

The benefits of wushu and taichi practice, increased athleticism, improved health, recovery from injuries and disease, more confidence, and strong community are no secret to wushu and taichi instructors and students.

Wushu, which is also referred to as Kung Fu, is an umbrella term for Chinese Martial arts composed of basic offensive and defensive movements executed with either bare-handed or with weapons. Taichi which falls under the wushu umbrella is a popular form of wushu and particularly suitable for people of all age groups and physical conditions.

World Wushu Kung Fu Day aims to raise global awareness of all practitioners, forms, and styles of wushu, both contemporary competition forms or traditional styles. It promotes the concepts of peace, friendship, health, and an appreciation for nature.

Be inspired by this special day to improve your health and happiness – join a Wulong Tai Chi class today! New students are always welcome! Register here!

Please enjoy the photos of the day

Wushu class

Taichi class

Celebrate 2024 Year of the Wulong Dragon

2024! It’s our year - Year of the Dragon!

Wulong wishes you abundant health in 2024 the Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon.

It’s a special year for Wulong to celebrate the symbol of our school - Wulong translates to "martial arts dragon" in English - highlighting our highly successful online and in person wushu, taichi and qigong training provided by Australia’s most professional taichi, qigong and wushu teacher and practitioner, Professor Lily Sun.

In the Chinese culture, the dragon represents good luck, strength, and health. So it’s the perfect time to wake your inner dragon and join a Wulong class today to experience the renewal of body and spirit that Wulong students experience and set the foundations for your future health.

Read more about Wulong benefits at https://www.wulongtaichi.com.au/benefits

Check out our class schedule and register today at https://www.wulongtaichi.com.au/tai-chi-classes

As well as her always high standard professional training, this year Professor Lily will host two special workshops. One qigong workshop in May and one tai chi workshop in November.

More information will be released soon!! So like and follow our social media to keep up with the latest details

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wulongtaichi

Instagram https://instagram.com/wulongtaichikungfu?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Wulong delivers Taichi services for corporate and community

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu is working with our corporate, not-for-profit and government sector clients to delivery high quality enjoyable wellbeing services.

For Immigration Museum and Vic Health we delivered customised taichi and qigong workshops ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’ of easy and well researched taichi and qigong movements to stimulate energy and promote unity of mind and body to support health and wellbeing.

Here’s what participants said about the taichi and qigong sessions -

It reinforced no matter what your gender or age is, looking after your health and well being is paramount, and there is a lot out there to help you achieve this.

I was in the moment whilst in the class, felt focussed and forgot about my worries

·The enjoyment and challenge it gave, and being part of a group

The peaceful nature of the instructor

We design customised sessions for corporate staff and deliver these sessions both in person and online. Some of our clients are -

Events like Melbourne Knowledge Week and the Melbourne International Film Festival

School to provide wushu and/or taichi session for Chinese language students

Local government councils such as Maribyrnong, Darebin and Glen Eira Councils

Private companies, for instance greater Western Water, Medibank, Swisse, GemLife, Choice Hotels Asia-Pacific and Foodie Coaches, and

Schools and universities from across Melbourne including Geelong Grammar, Haileybury and RMIT. Most recently a worship for a University of Melbourne medical students’ conference.

All our taichi, qigong and wushu services are designed and supervised by Professor Lily Sun, 8th Duan Professor of Chinese Martial Arts, Wuhan University.

We are happy to discuss your individual requirements and tailor a package to suit the needs of your organisation. For more information please see our events&corporate page or contact our office.

Taichi Sword 42 Session 2 - the best!

ONE OF OUR BEST EVER WORKSHOPS!  Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu is celebrating its hugely successful Taichi Sword 42 Session 2 Workshop held on 6 November 2022.  A hard routine - Taichi Sword 42 is the standard for international competition - and a difficult routine to learn, but made easy under the guidance of Professor Lily Sun.

After the fascinating Taichi Sword 42 Session 1 Workshop, completing Session 2 ensured students were totally enthralled with the beauty and joy of taichi sword.

Under Lily’s expert instruction, we were captivated by the Taichi Sword 42 routine, we stabbed, thrust, blocked, parried, and pointed the sword, while moving left and right, back, front and oblique. We were delighted to discover our improved balance and posture, focus and control of the sword, and our strength and endurance as well.

Professor Sun was very impressed with how attentive and diligent workshop students were, and glad to pass on more of her knowledge and skills of the taichi sword to future practitioners.

“I was excited to see students quickly adopt the correct posture, stance and balance – improvements from the first session. I am very proud of the good technique students demonstrated and delighted with their efforts.

“Students have focussed well and learnt faster, and their hard work practising the first session and foundation taichi sword movements is evident in the impressive achievements today. I am also delighted to see the photos which clearly demonstrate the high standard achieved at the workshop.”

“Training with the taichi sword increases ability in all the foundations of taichi, particularly balance and posture. It develops focus and spatial awareness, strength, coordination, and fitness. It strengthens the arms and wrist and improves energy coordination throughout the whole body.”

Professor Lily Sun has practiced taichi sword since eight years old, it being her speciality short weapon during her Wushu career. Professor Sun is rare among Australian taichi practitioners as she has won gold medals in taichi sword at the national level in China.  Her superior training techniques has ensured correct foundation and technique as the practical applications of each movement were taught, not just simply the basic movements.

Review sessions for Taichi Sword 42 are planned for January 2023. Stay tuned for more information soon.

Please enjoy the photos of the day.

Photo Gallery

More Wellbeing Wednesdays - Wulong partners with Immigration Museum

Come and join Professor Lily Sun at Immigration Museum for more FREE Wellbeing Within sessions! Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu is excited to partner with Immigration Museum for three Wednesdays lunchtime sessions of taichi and qigong in November 2022.


Wednesdays 16, 23 and 30 November 2022 at 12.30pm

Balance the natural energy within your mind, body, and spirit, with lunchtime taichi led by Professor Lily Sun

Suitable for all ages and abilities.


Immigration Museum
400 Flinders Street
Melbourne, Victoria, 3000