
Push Hands - Our biggest Wulong Workshop ever!!!

Wow! What a powerful and skill enhancing experience! Wulong’s biggest workshop yet was fully booked almost immediately by participants from across Melbourne, regional Victoria, and interstate - one passionate student coming from as far as Western Australia to learn from Professor Lily.

Thank you Professor Lily! for teaching workshop particpants the martial arts techniques of tai chi Push Hands or tui zhou, and the corresponding Yang 9 Duel Routine.

Two-person push hands is a thought provoking training method practiced to raise tai chi students’ understanding of facing an opponent, and the interaction between attack and defence. Push hands helps us sense our partner’s movements and intention, the transition between attack and defence.

“Push hands is very important for tai chi students to increase their understanding of the martial applications of tai chi.” says Professor Lily,

"Push hands practice will improve your tai chi foundation and practice through increasing reflex, reaction, coordination, strength, and balance. Energy flows throughout the whole body, with benefits for cardiovascular health and circulation.”

Professor Lily also introduced chai zhao into the practical application of tai chi, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and improving combat skills. Chai zhao is the process of breaking down, analyzing, and training response techniques for specific movements. It involves specific offensive and defensive techniques, methods to neutralize our opponent’s force, change the angle of their attack, and pick the right timing for a counterattack.

These experiences created the foundation skills for the Yang 9 Duel routine. The integrated movements of the duel are an enlightening uplift of the solo routine learnt in class. Feeling and responding to the direction and strength of a partner's intention brings greater alertness, concentration and mindfulness to our practice. The Yang 9 Duel brought us a new beauty and flow as we practiced.

As always, Professor Lily’s training included correct foundation and technique - the martial applications of each movement were fully demonstrated, and errors corrected in the workshop. Special thanks to Candice and Helen for demonstrations and assistance.

Professor Lily was very impressed with our dedication and enthusiasm for more Push Hands and Duel routine training. So we are busy planning another push hands workshop for early 2025. Please follow our social media and website to keep up to date with the details as they are released.

Wulong Shines at 2024 Festival

Wulong and MUWK performers and guests

Another big day out for Wulong at the 2024 Wushu Taichi Qigong Australia Festival. Some amazing tai chi and qigong on show with solo and group performances from Wulong instructors and advanced students demonstrating the professional moves we learned from Professor Lily.

What an event! The packed Festival programme involved a large number of practitioners showcasing their favourite tai chi, qigong and wushu routines.

A special massed interactive qigong activity was led by Wulong’s own Instructor Noriko. So invigorating! Nearly all performers and guests were on their feet breathing and stretching.

Our solo and group performers provided an enthralling spectacle.

SOLO - Taichi Yang Style Fan 28

Wulomg Instructor Noriko, from our Sunday Caulfield class, thrilled guests with the Taichi Yang Style Fan 28 routine. Noriko has been a gold medallist at WTQA competitions and in Beijing China.

SOLO - Five Animals Qigong

Wulong Advanced Student Roland, from our Tuesday Yarraville class, conjured the spirits of the Five Animals - tiger, deer, bear, monkey and bird. Roland has been a gold medallist at WTQA competitions.

GROUP - Duan Wei 3 Yang 17

Our Wulong Advanced Students - Roland, Candice, Michael, Helen M, Noriko , Sara and Helen S - performed the Standardised Duan Wei Yang Style Tai Chi Level 3 routine, sometimes called Yang 17.

A special shout out to Melbourne University Wushu Kung Fu, also coached by Professor Lily, who put on an amazing wushu show including weapons.

Grateful thanks to WTQA President Sam Au, committee and organising team for the outstanding day. It was pleasing to see President Sam Au call Professor Lily forward in acknowledging the key supporters of the Festival.

Big thanks to Jenny, Bill, Norma, Sue, Shen, Kathleen, Judith, Marisa, Dorothy, Arthur, Stacy, Jesmond, Ben, Nathan, Grace, Amanda and Paul - our cheer squad and paparazzi crew. We thank you! 

Encore Session - Taichi Push Hands Techniques & Yang 9 Duel Workshop X May 2025

Professor Lily Sun demonstrates push hands with Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu strudent

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu is pleased to announce our first workshop for 2025.

Encore - Taichi Push Hand Techniques and Yang 9 Duel Workshop

Due to popular demand Profesor Lily will again present Wulong’s biggest workshop teaching the martial arts techniques of Tai Chi Push Hands or tui zhou, and the corresponding Yang 9 Duel Routine.

Push hands is a two-person training routine practiced to enhance students understanding of martial applications, of attack and defence. The duel routine allows students "hands-on" experience of theoretical implications of the Yang 9 solo routine. With push hands, reflex and sensitivity to another's movements and intent are developed enhancing yin and yang and realising health, meditative, and self-defence benefits.

It is the perfect opportunity for individuals to gain a greater understanding and experinence of push hands in practice.

“Push hands is very important for tai chi students to increase their understanding of the martial applications of tai chi.” says Professor Lily,

"Push hands practice will improve your tai chi foundation and practice through increasing reflex, reaction, coordination, strength, and balance. Energy flows throughout the whole body, with benefits for cardiovascular health and circulation.”

Join Professor Lily Sun on X May to learn:

  • Clear and easy to follow instruction from Australia’s most accomplished taichi teacher – a rare and not to be missed opportunity

  • Foundation skills and techniques for push hands and the Yang 9 Duel routine

  • Expanded theory and martial applications for Yang 9 Duan Wei Level 1

  • Understanding of defensive and offensive application principles

  • Develop balance, quicker reflexes, sensitivity to the intention and movements of another, and the capacity to create a state of relaxed alertness.

This encore workshop is an opportunity for new students to learn these important techniques and for 2024 students to consolidate their push hands experience. It is suitable for all ages and skill levels from beginner to advanced.

Places are limited and registration is essential. Please register via our event page for a unique opportunity to learn this versatile and beneficial taichi application while enjoying Professor Lily’s warm, generous and exceptional teaching skills.

Celebrating World Wushu Kung Fu Day 2024

Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu wushu and tai chi classes celebrate World Wushu Kun Fu Day at Ascot Vale , Melbourne, Australia

Today Wulong Tai Chi Kung Fu classes celebrated World Wushu Kung Fu Day 2024 with other enthusiasts around the globe. Professor Lily especially likes the 2024 theme “Wushu: Health and Happiness”. She says

“harmonising mind and body, maintaining physical and mental health, and feeling happy through learning, achieving and making friends make wushu a one-stop shop to a multitude of benefits.”

The benefits of wushu and taichi practice, increased athleticism, improved health, recovery from injuries and disease, more confidence, and strong community are no secret to wushu and taichi instructors and students.

Wushu, which is also referred to as Kung Fu, is an umbrella term for Chinese Martial arts composed of basic offensive and defensive movements executed with either bare-handed or with weapons. Taichi which falls under the wushu umbrella is a popular form of wushu and particularly suitable for people of all age groups and physical conditions.

World Wushu Kung Fu Day aims to raise global awareness of all practitioners, forms, and styles of wushu, both contemporary competition forms or traditional styles. It promotes the concepts of peace, friendship, health, and an appreciation for nature.

Be inspired by this special day to improve your health and happiness – join a Wulong Tai Chi class today! New students are always welcome! Register here!

Please enjoy the photos of the day

Wushu class

Taichi class

Yang Style Tai Chi Fan Session 2 Wrap up

On 12 November 2023, Professor Lily Sun led a second exclusive workshop for tai chi enthusiasts to learn session 2 of the Yang Style Tai Chi Fan 28 routine.

Professor Lily delivered clear and comprehensive instructions on Session 2 movements and tai chi fan techniques. Participants immersed themselves in the foundational skills and techniques essential for mastering the subtlety, intricacy and pleasure of the latest and most popular modern fan routine.

Having trained extensively with the creator of the Yang Style Taichi Fan 28, Professor Yang Li, Professor Lily delivered rare insights and a enthralling learning experience.

Professor Lily’s knowledge of the routine and her renowned teaching expertise ensured a high standard of learning for participants. As always, students particularly enjoyed the explanations of subtle fan martial applications - not just simply the basic movements. Professor Lily explained how the fan can be used to startle or visually confuse an opponent, deflect or redirect attacks, and with a flick of the wrist the fan can collapse to strike, parry hits or block other weapons.

We practiced the circular and linear movements of the Tai Chi Fan 28 – open, close, strike, block, poke, sweep, or hook – combined with footwork, body rotation, and other techniques of this fluid and powerful martial art.

And the engaging and uplifting movement names such as “Rain dragon returns to the sea”, “Mighty ox tills the fields” and “Bee tricks the butterfly” inspired our positive enjoyment and assisted our memory of the movements.

Once again Professor Lily was very impressed by students excitement and excellent results achieved learning the techniques and movements of the second half of Tai Chi Fan 28.

"Training with the tai chi fan is good for your taichi foundation, energy flow, mental function (focus and concentration) physical coordination, flexibility, strength and balance." says Professor Lily

“The Tai Chi Fan 28 routine is very relaxing and promotes mindfulness during practice. And the routine movements are very good for your heart.”

Professor Lily is planning a review session for Yang Style Tai Chi Fan 28 for January 2024. Stay tuned for more information soon.

Please enjoy the photos of the day.

For more photos click through to the gallery. Photo Gallery

Tai Chi Fan - A mesmerising martial art

Thank you, Professor Lily! For teaching us the subtle and intricate ways of the Yang Style Tai Chi Fan 28.

With the sharp crack of opening and closing fans resounding in our ears, we practiced the circular and linear movements of the Tai Chi Fan 28 – strike, block, poke, sweep, or hook – combined with footwork, body rotation, and other techniques of this fluid and powerful martial art.

Professor Lily showed us how the tai chi fan can be used to startle or visually confuse an opponent, deflect or redirect attacks, and with a flick of the wrist the tai chi fan can collapse to parry hits or block other weapons.

Professor Lily was very impressed by our excitement and dedication to learning the techniques and movements of the first half of Tai Chi Fan 28, with the excellent results achieved, and our enthusiasm for more training.

“The Tai Chi Fan 28 routine is very relaxing! It requires focus and concentration, which ensures mindfulness during practice. And the routine movements are good for your heart. The slow and rhythmic movements can improve cardiovascular health and circulation.” says Professor Lily,

"Training with the tai chi fan improves your taichi foundation. Tai chi fan practice develops coordination, flexibility, strength, balance, and improves energy flow throughout the whole body."

As always, the focus of Professor Lily’s training included correct foundation and technique - the martial applications of each movement were revealed, not just simply the basic movements.

Professor Lily is very pleased with the outcome of the workshop, and is planning a follow-up Tai Chi Fan 28 workshop for November 2023. You can send an email to express your interest in attending to info@wulongtaichi.com.au

Please enjoy the photos of the day.

Photo Gallery

Professor Lily Sun teaching Yang Style Tai Chi Fan 28